So Apple unveilled the new M4 Mac Mini and its already making waves. The base model is equipped with 16Gb ram, 256 Gb SSD storage and measures 5 by 5 inches. The M4 Mac mini runs on M4 and M4 Pro chip which makes it 2x faster than the M1 model. It comes with thunderbolt ports which makes for faster connections. The M4 Mac Mini is Apples first carbon neutral Mac with over 80% reduction in greenhouse emissions across its materials.
With a very small size, its convenient for people who need a powerful machine and travel a lot. The mac mini can fit easily in the palm of your hands and doesnt take up much space at all. After using for a while i can say confidently that its worth the upgrade from the M1 model.
The only drawback in my opinion is that the power button is located below the device and makes reaching it a hustle everytime but aside that it is an incredible device. Its easy plug and play nature make it an easy choice. The M4 Mac Mini also performs 6 times faster that the current desktop devices in its price range. One thing worth noting is that, you might want to select the specifications you want before you purchase it to avoid buying a new device when you need to upgrade space or memory.
The device also performs well when multitasking and using graphic intensive tasks like photo and video editing.
All in all the M4 Mac mini is a great device and worth the buy especially for the base model. Thank you!