Apple unveiled the new MacBook Pro which is powered by M4 chips and supports Apple intelligence. It comes with thunderbolt 5 on the M4 pro and M4 Max models and an all new nano-texture display option which is great for using it in rooms with high amounts of lighting. It also makes the displayed text more ready as apple equipped it with the new Quantum Dot Display.
The MacBook Pro M4 comes with a 12MP front camera. When compared to the previous models its about 2 times faster than the M1 model in benchmark tests. MacBook Pro’s base model comes with 16Gb memory upgradable to 32Gb along with 120GB/s memory bandwidth. When rendering video editing projects it took half the time to render a project as compared to the M1 Macbook Pro Max.
Overall the M4 MacBook Pro does a good job of outperforming all but the M2 Ultra in terms of speed. I personally think its a good upgrade and would very much recommend this. Thank you!